The Illusionist Lovis Brantanno from the island of Kefra enchanted his audience last night at the Farransûl Gateway Theater. His “Mating Dance of the Ice Dragon” tells the story of Istor and Glacis, a dragon couple whose eggs were stolen by Castror the evil magician. The covenant scene in Act 2 left the audience breathless, as Istor used a spell to transform the whole Giant mountain range into a glacier landscape to declare his love to his sweetheart at the top of Cyclops Mountain. The audience experienced a stunning evening, in the end the eggs were rescued and the evil magician was defeated.
Applause that lasted several minutes brought a grateful smile to the face of the exhausted illusion artist. Lovis has worked for years without assistants since coming to Magnora.
The theater management recommends that easily influenced visitors wear winter clothes because the illusion is particularly strong.
There will be 15 more performances, of which many are already sold out.
Prices depend on the category, ranging from 5 silver pieces to 7 gold pieces.
Tickets are available on the day of the performance from noon until showtime.