A runaway demon killed 38 people three days ago in Yucheng, the capital of the Eastern Empire, seriously injuring 24.
According to the Mages Guild Police of the Eastern Empire, a young summoner named Huanwe lost what appears to have been a ‘battle of wills’ and could not bind a demon of the genus Daimonius. To Huanwe’s misfortune, his Circle of Protection demons also failed and he was immediately and cruelly killed. Then the demon left the summoner’s house and indiscriminately killed those he encountered — including women, children, and the elderly.
That the number of victims among Yucheng residents was not greater is thanks to the Elementalist Shaoming, who stood against the demon and ‘overcame him with Godred’s Icicle Shower spell.’
The Working Group of Summoners within the Yucheng Mages Guild apologized in an open letter to the surviving victims, and donated 1500 gold pieces to them and the relatives of those killed.
Laoshi, the spokeswoman for the Summoners, made the following statement: “… there is and always will be an underlying risk to our work. Usually only the failing Summoner must suffer, but sometimes the fates want to see blood…”
The Elementalist Shaoming has been nominated for a ‘Jade 2’ award for bravery. Her hero’s plaque with a jade stone in the center has been placed on the second row of the square wall of heroes. A duplicate of the plate can then be taken home by the one honored.
Meanwhile, the water elementalists have used Shaoming’s spectacular feat as part of an advertising campaign aimed at youth. The chronic shortage of young water elementalist mages is quite severe in comparison to their air and fire colleagues, who are regarded among young adepts as being more effective and powerful.
“The fact that the elementalist’s water magic also includes very powerful ice magic is often forgotten by young magicians!” cited Luandin, the acting chairman of the Working Group for Water.
He hopes for a boost of apprenticeships in the water sector.